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Thursday, October 1, 2015

New York Times on GOP's homophobia

On September 12, 2015, the New York Times published an article titled: G.O.P Anti-Gay Bigotry Threatens First Amendment. Below I have provided my critique and thoughts on the subject.

For my Blog 3 assignment, I decided to take a look at an editorial on the GOP threatening the First Amendment with their anti-gay bigotry. I personally agree with it, and will show you evidence as to why it is a solid argument.
The article is well written and very easy to understand, as it uses language at a simple level. The audience is liberals and gay allies. The author is sort of an amalgamation. I was unable to find a single person, so I used The Editorial Board of the New York Times. A few people worthy of mention here are: Andrew Rosenthal, and Francis X. Clines.
Andrew Rosenthal has been an editorial page manager since 2007, and has been in the business since 1988, in which he covered the presidential elections and the Persian Gulf War. Francis X. Clines is a man that deals with National Politics, Congress, and Campaign Finance. He spent 40 years as a reporter for the Times, before he joined the editorial board. He won the Meyer Berger Award as well as a polk award for coverage of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The author was arguing that the GOP is going to mess with the first amendment because they are so against the homosexual lifestyle. They exhibit evidence of this such as: “Many religious leaders and clergy members are themselves deeply disturbed by the proposed legislation; more than 3,000 signed a letter opposing it on the grounds that genuine religious liberty “does not allow us to harm or discriminate against others.” As well as:” As critics of the bill quickly pointed out, the measure’s broad language — which also protects those who believe that “sexual relations are properly reserved to” heterosexual marriages alone — would permit discrimination against anyone who has sexual relations outside such a marriage. That would appear to include women who have children outside of marriage, a class generally protected by federal law.”

Their logic is that the bill is harmful, because even the people that the GOP are supposedly representing it, called it out as something that is not genuine religious liberty “Genuine religious liberty “does not allow us to harm or discriminate against others.” As well as critics said it allowed discrimination against people who have sex outside of a marriage, which is discrimination, something the first amendment is supposed to protect against.
Their conclusion is that the GOP is so homophobic that they are allowing discrimination that even the leaders of their religion think they are going too far. Their conclusion is valid as they present evidence of their claim in the forms of quotes and links to other articles.
This attack on the first amendment that the GOP is committing is showing they are so disorganized (or hate filled, could go either way) they will do things that make no sense or negative sense (goes backward instead of staying where they are or forward).

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